Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Harvardinates (Har-VAR-di-NAH-tays): The Life and Times of John Leverett, first secular President of Harvard 1708-1724

Paperback (Amazon) $7.10 + postage
On Kindle $2.99
Free on Kindle Unlimited
Hardback $14.70 (coming)
On ACX (coming)

This book is a biography of John Leverett (1662-1724), first secular President of Harvard, who kept Harvard from becoming a Puritan Divinity School when that was what Cotton Mather and orthodox Puritans wanted. It was a very divided time in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Mather had seen his unquestioned support fade after the witch trials of 1692. The story gives an overview of his illustrious grandfather, Governor of the Colony, a father who had trouble making a living, and deaths in the family, one after another, as was usual in a time of smallpox and other diseases, hard winters, inadequate water, and various other problems. Leverett designed Massachusetts Hall, which survives today as Harvard's oldest building, and holds its President.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Ten Quaker Plays

For reflection and discernment
and for adult education and quarantine zooms...
read about Fox, Nayler, Rufus Jones, Hoover, Nixon, and even Smedley Butler (Nixon and Butler grew up Quaker, but weren't Quakers as adults).

On Amazon
Paperback $5.40 + shipping
Kindle $1.99, or free on Kindle Unlimited
Hardcover $12.80 + shipping